Naša stratégia trvalej udržateľnosti

Ako spoločnosť s globálnymi operáciami nesieme zodpovednosť za našich zamestnancov, obchodných partnerov a následné generácie v súlade s našimi zásadami udržateľnosti a kvality. S týmto zameraním kladieme dôraz na našu vôľu (s ohľadom na budúcnosť) znížiť skleníkové plyny, na ochranu životného prostredia a ďalej podporovať trvalo udržateľný rozvoj v našej spoločnosti.
Ochrana životného prostredia a trvalo udržateľné využívanie zdrojov patria aj medzi najdôležitejšie budúce projekty EJOT.

Produkty EJOT pomáhajú šetriť energiu a chrániť životné prostredie

Neustále zlepšovanie výrobných procesov je ekonomickým aj environmentálne dôležitým faktorom. Nielen vo vývoji produktov, ale aj vo výrobe sa vždy snažíme minimalizovať vplyvy na životné prostredie a tým zabezpečiť ochranu životného prostredia.
Naše výrobky nám tiež pomáhajú dosiahnuť tieto ciele, pretože: skrutky sú v podstate odnímateľné výrobky a preto sú recyklovateľné. Hrúbka plechu môže byť znížená použitím inovatívnych produktov. To je dôležité najmä pri výrobe automobilov, pretože sa nielen šetrí surovinami, ale aj ľahká konštrukcia je tiež veľmi efektívnym spôsobom, ako možno znížiť spotrebu paliva.
EJOT je tiež priekopníkom v stavebníctve. Na jednej strane sa naše výrobky používajú na upevnenie systémov pre obnoviteľné zdroje energie, ako sú fotovoltaika, a na druhej strane naše kotvy pomáhajú pri inštalácii tepelnej izolácie v budovách. Sme prvým výrobcom, ktorý získal environmentálne vyhlásenie o výrobkoch (EPD) pre naše kotvy a skrutky na fasády a teraz môže predložiť komplexný a úplný záznam o udržateľnosti a rovnováhe vplyvov týchto výrobkov na životné prostredie.

EJOT becomes climate neutral

The EJOT Group wants to become climate neutral by 2035 and reduce its CO2e emissions from currently 188,400 tons to zero. An ambitious goal that the family-owned company has set for itself in its 100th anniversary year. The clear message is that avoidance takes precedence over reduction and compensation. The need to act is not only due to the increasing requirements of customers and legislators, but also in particular to our responsibility towards our employees and future generations.
At regular intervals, our sites are audited in accordance with the ISO 14001 environmental standard. In addition to continuous improvement of the system, the focus is also on increasing the environmental awareness of our employees.

In 2013 we implemented an energy management system according to ISO 50001. Through numerous investments in energy saving projects at our German and international locations we were able to save valuable resources.
* Analysis has been updated with direct emission factors

EJOT Sustainability Strategy

The EJOT Group wants to actively face the challenges of climate change and coordinate and advance the developments in the group of companies with strategic objectives and guiding principles.  In order to be able to act in the global context of sustainability development, EJOT is oriented towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

For the globally operating company, the objectives on the right represent overriding topics.
Source: THE 17 GOALS | Sustainable Development (; Access date: 06.07.22

These Sustainable Development Goals enable the group of companies to develop systematic guidelines to achieve the goals. In line with this, EJOT has designed three sustainability categories under which any activities to achieve carbon neutrality in 2035 can be defined:
  • Thinking Sustainably
  • Becoming more efficient
  • Green energy supply
Source: THE 17 GOALS | Sustainable Development (; Date retrieved: 06.07.22

EJOT products help to save energy and protect the environment

Continuous improvement of production processes is both an economic and an environmental factor. Not only in product development, but also in production we try to constantly reduce the environmental impact and thus continuously ensure the protection of the environment.

Our products help us to realize these goals, because: screws are basically detachable products and therefore recyclable. By using innovative products, sheet thicknesses can be reduced. This is particularly important in automotive construction, because not only does this save raw materials, lightweight construction is also a very effective means of reducing fuel consumption. For the first time in 2019, we have determined an overall environmental impact for our non-detachable compounds.

EJOT is also a pioneer in the construction industry. On the one hand, our products are used to fasten renewable energy systems such as photovoltaics, and on the other hand, our anchors help with the thermal insulation of buildings. Our Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) for fasteners, substructure systems and thread-forming construction screws are continuously developed and updated.

A common path begins

EJOT goes the way to climate neutrality. A responsible task for the future, which cannot be solved alone. This is clearly shown by the distribution of all CO2e emissions at EJOT. With more than 77% the scope 3 at EJOT worldwide takes the highest and at the same time the most difficult share. The difficulty exists because there is no direct influence on the part of EJOT. Here our suppliers and service providers are asked to reduce their share of CO2e emissions. We support the use of green steel or green granulate as well as a CO2e free logistic chain. Only with a joint effort of all parties involved in the supply chain a climate neutrality can be achieved at EJOT from 2035.

Do not hesitate, join us. Let's shape our future together!

Integrovaná politika riadenia EJOT Group

Trvalá udržateľnosť a kvalita

Share of the scope

Contact Person

Heiko Stötzel

Environmental representative of the EJOT Group