Podrobnosti k výrobku

  • Overview

    • Friction welding geometry specifically developed for EPP foams
    • Ideally suited for tolerance-independent assembly because no pilot hole is necessary
    • Easy assembly after the foaming process
    • Special drive bits available for the different drive geometries
    • Usage in foam densities from RG30 to RG250
    • Weight savings and recyclability thanks to the use of polymer material
    • Available in large (22mm) and small (12mm) diameters as an insert for use with EVO PT® screws Ø 5mm and 6mm

Branislav Gunda

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Friction welding insert for EPP foams

The EJOT® EPPsys RSD („Reibschweißdom“ = friction welding boss) is an effective fastening element for EPP foams. The innovative friction welding process directly embeds the fastener in the EPP foam and securely connects it to the molten material. Then the EPPsys RSD enables easy and reliable direct fastening with the EJOT EVO PT® screw.