
Podrobnosti k výrobku

  • Overview

    • DELTAsert® z hliníku pro termosety a termoplasty (velikost M6)
    • DELTAsert® P z plastu pro měkké termoplasty (pro DELTA PT® 45 & 50) další rozměry na poptávku
    • Jednoduchá a spolehlivá montáž přímým šroubováním bez nutnosti složitého navádění dílu
    • Nízká hmotnost daná použitím hliníku místo mosazi
    • Vysoká výtažná síla umožněná vysokým překrytím nosné plochy závitu
    • Velmi vysoký povolovací moment daný DELTA PT®závitem

Branislav Gunda

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Alternative insert solution made of aluminium

Today the demanded cost and weight reductions for most designs often require alternative methods to the common fastening solutions. For example inserts are still used for many applications, which indirectly fasten components with a costly post-moulded insert and a metric screw. An alternative to this laborious method is the new aluminium EJOT DELTAsert® which permits a reliable self-tapping installation into highly loaded thermoplastic components. Previously, this was only possible with pre or post moulded inserts.

Alternative insert solution made of plastic

For the realisation of a stable fastening point the material strength of components made of thermoplastics is often insufficient. Even optimisations such as a larger screw diameter, wall thickness increase or increased installation depth are only partially suited to solve this problem. For these difficult conditions EJOT has developed the innovative plastic insert solution DELTAsert® P which, combined with the EJOT DELTA PT® screw, facilitates process reliable fastening.

Easy installation

The EJOT DELTAsert® is screwed into the prepared plastic component with a conventional screw driver with torque limiter, additional controls are not necessary. The torque can be documented with the assembly unit. This process is finsihed in ca. 2 seconds. The subsequent assembly of the clamping part to the DELTAsert® with the EJOT ALtracs® Plus 60 screw is also self-tapping. For the version with metric M6 internal thread a metric screw can also be used as an alternative. An easy and process reliable assembly is guaranteed in both cases.