Podrobnosti k výrobku

  • Overview

    • Standard lengths: from approx. 3.5 times nominal diameter
    • Standard diameter: from 3.5 to 6.5 mm (more on request)
    • For cellular foamed thermoplastics
    • High vibration fatigue strength
    • Safety due to high tensile, torsional and vibration resistance
    • Also available in plastic

Branislav Gunda

CAD a viac na ejot.com

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For foamed thermoplastics

The EJOT CELL PT® screw is a special element for the safe and problem-free direct fastening in cellular foamed thermoplastic materials.

The special thread contour was developed for cellular foamed thermoplastics and the functionality was confirmed in a comprehensive test series. In the case of blind hole screw joints, the specially formed point penetrates into the plastic material at the bottom of the blind hole and a further increase of the torques is achieved.