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Additional features

Branislav Gunda

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Ďalej si môžete stiahnuť najnovšie produktové brožúry, technické publikácie a štandardy spoločnosti EJOT.

EJOT® HardTip – Spojovací řešení pro přímé šroubování do ocelí

With the HardTip process, the forming zone of the thread point of a screw is additionally inductive-hardened after previous hardening and tempering or case hardening. Thus, materials which have too high a strength for conventionally hardened screws can also be fastened in a self-tapping way. EJOT® HardTip screws are used if case-hardened fastening elements are not permitted or conventionally hardened screws would fail because the screw-in material is too strong. 
Thread geometries EJOT® HardTip:
- Spiralform® 
- SHEETtracs® 
Further thread geometries upon request.

MAThread®/ MATpoint® - Anti-Cross-Threading náběhové špičky

With the patented "anti cross-threading" points MAThread® and MATpoint® for metric standard threads according to ISO 965-2, EJOT is licensee of MAThread Inc., Whitmore Lake, MI, U.S.A. "Cross threading" is caused by the screw being applied at an angle to the female thread. In the worst case, a new thread is formed or the nut or screw thread is damaged. This ultimately leads to the fact that the screw can not be fastened and the connection fails. The MAThread®/MATpoint® design prevents this "cross threading" and enables shorter assembly times. It reduces or eliminates outages with all negative consequences such as downtimes, reworks, scrap and service effort.

EJOT SpringHead® – Hlava šroubu s integrovaným pružným elementem

V důsledku relaxace ztrácí každý šroubový spoj po montáži sílu předpětí. Jakmile je dosažena kritická úroveň síly předpětí, dojde k výpadku spoje. Tomuto může být zabráněno zvýšením elasticity šroubového spoje, např. doplněním pružných elementů. Inovativní hlava EJOT SpringHead® tuto dodatečnou pružnost dodává a vyrovnává relaxaci bez dodatečných, běžných pružných elementů. Integrovaná pružina v hlavě šroubu umožňuje lepší uchování síly předpětí při dynamickém a teplotním namáhání stejně jako trvalý elektrický kontakt.

Geometrie závitu EJOT SpringHead®:
- ALtracs® Plus
- metrické šrouby
Další závitové geometrie na poptání

EJOT Under-Head Serrations

1. EJOT CONLOK® - Electric contact
2. EJOT VIBRALOK® - Thread lock
3. Locking serration Thread lock
4. Friction serration Higher Stripping Torque TS
5. EJOT CONLOK® - Ring cutting edge


The EJOT CONLOK® under-head serrations show a discontinuous cup point with a transfer radius starting at the fastener shank. The number of tooth is variable, according to customer request or application. Only the narrowing form is specified.
- Electrical contact between components and fasteners
- Surface coatings up to a thickness of 70µ (powder coating) can be scratched open
- Increased installation and loosening torques due to free design of the serration tooth


EJOT VIBRALOK® has been developed as a thread lock for vibration exposed screw heads connecting to metallic surfaces. Independent expert analysis testify the outstanding properties.
- Increasing the loosening torques
- Prevents loosening under vibration stress

EJOT MAXXtip® - Process-reliable direct fastening into ultra-high strength steels and cast iron

Main application fields of EJOT MAXXtip®

Ultra-high strength steel sheets (at least UTS of 1200 MPa) using the thread types 
- SHEETtracs® up to 2 mm 
- Spiralform® analogous to DIN 7500 
cast iron (GJS und GJL) using the Spiralform® thread type 

More about MAXXtip®